MYHockey Sponsorship Information

MYHockey Rankings is the premier online database of youth hockey in North America. The site offers the most comprehensive and accurate youth hockey information on the web. It covers all competitive (travel) youth hockey across North America. Squirt though college, boy and girls, from Ontario to California and Alaska to Florida, MYHockey is now comprised of 679 separate rankings covering hundreds of leagues, thousands of clubs and currently 26,940 hockey teams. Go to a local rink where they play competitive hockey and odds are you will hear people talking about the site. Sponsoring MYHockey can help you target your hockey audience and keep your brand fresh in the minds of the hockey public.

MYHockey Rankings is now on its 18th season. What started as a comparison of a few hundred teams has evolved into an indispensable part of competitive youth hockey in North America. Used by USA Hockey and just about every major tournament, keeping your team's information up to date in MYHockey is critically important to thousands of teams. As a result, our Google Analytics web statistics indicate that MYHockey will see approximately 45-50 million pageviews during the 2019-20 season generated by over 300,000 unique monthly visitors.

There is simply no better way to reach the North American youth hockey audience than by advertising on MYHockey Rankings!

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